Saturday, September 15, 2007

Blogging. Why not?

I've been against blogging about as long as I was against cell phones. I have a cell phone now.

So now I'm left with the question: why not blog? I realized that I've been blogging for years. I've been doing it through email (yaaaawwwwwnnnnnnn). I find something or learn something interesting. I write a little bit about it, find a link if available and send it to my friends. Works ok. This might work better and it might cut down on email in the ol' Inbox.

Interested...setup a Bloglines account. You can set it up so all new posts go their. Whenever you want to see what I'm up to, go there and bam. Or, you could just come back here again, which is fine by me since I'll have some AdSense up will get $0.37 for every 1000 times you look at my page. Sweet.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

WooHoo! First Male Comment!!! Can you deal with THAT? Can't wait for my first HatTip. Looking forward to future posts. Bri